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Q&A Children’s Eye Care

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Kids Eye Doctor Near You Q&A

Frequently Asked Questions with Dr. Michael Moulder

  1.  Q: We hear a lot about “seeing your eye doctor regularly.” In school-aged children, ages 5 through 17, what does regularly mean?
    • A: At least once a year. More frequent visits may be recommended if the patient has high hyperopia, accommodative problems, or binocular vision problems.
  2. Q: Are there symptoms parents should look for that would indicate a trip the optometrist is necessary?
    • A: It is recommended for children to have an eye exam once per year as symptoms may not be obvious. However, some possible symptoms include: skipping or re-reading lines, trouble with school work or reading, taking longer to do homework, having a short attention span, or trouble with near work.
  3. Q: What about preschoolers? Since many children may be too young to read, how is an eye exam conducted if they cannot read a Snellen chart?
    • A: Objective testing is done for measuring a young child’s prescription. Additionally, symbols or a Tumbling E chart can be used to assess a young child’s visual acuity.
  4. Q: We often discuss vision problems as they relate to sitting in a classroom, but what about on the playground or the effect on visual acuity on socialization and play?
    • A: A child may experience problems with hand-eye coordination or depth perception which make playing sports more difficult. For example, difficulty with being able to effectively track objects like balls.
  5. Q: What do you recommend as the earliest age for contact lenses?
    • A: When a child is responsible and mature enough to understand using a medical device and follow instructions. We fit contact lenses on children as young as age 8.

Optometrist in College Station, Texas

If you have any questions regarding children’s vision care, or want to schedule an eye doctor’s appointment: